How to Avoid Investment Fraud
Research your investments
Find out if the investment you are considering is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC. Securities are usually required to be registered with the SEC, with some exceptions. Researching an investment’s registration status is possible through the EDGAR Database on the SEC’s website. While registration with the SEC does not guarantee that an investment is immune from fraud, a lack of registration can be a red flag if other potential issues exist regarding the investment.
Consult legal counsel
If you are considering an investment and do not entirely understand how it works or the paperwork you are being asked to sign, an attorney experienced with securities matters should be able to offer counsel. It is better to be safe than sorry, and consulting professional guidance may help you avoid a devastating loss.
Experience & Knowledge You Can Trust
When choosing a securities attorney, longstanding history and experience in the field is as important as being ahead of the curve. Goodman & Nekvasil is firmly grounded in both worlds, with our promise of good faith and trust built-in to how we do business. If you are interested in hiring Goodman & Nekvasil for your securities law claim, contact the firm today for a free consultation.
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