Becoming a Client
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The first step in recovering your lost savings is to become a client of Goodman & Nekvasil. Our dedicated staff is ready to begin the simple steps of evaluating your case and filing a case on your behalf.
In this unique area of the law, Goodman & Nekvasil is able to accept clients from all over the United States. Cases are filed in arbitration which is a confidential, private proceeding. Most cases are settled within 6 – 9 months of filing without the necessity of a final hearing.
Once your case is evaluated, you will be promptly notified you if we can take your case. Unlike some of our competitors, our firm’s policy is to quickly file your case to ensure the speedy return of your lost savings and avoid any statute of limitation deadlines.
If your case is accepted, Goodman & Nekvasil will advance ALL out of pocket expenses incurred in your case and will not be reimbursed for ANY of these costs unless they recover monies for you.
Experience & Knowledge You Can Trust
When choosing a securities attorney, longstanding history and experience in the field is as important as being ahead of the curve. Goodman & Nekvasil is firmly grounded in both worlds, with our promise of good faith and trust built-in to how we do business. If you are interested in hiring Goodman & Nekvasil for your securities law claim, contact the firm today for a free consultation.
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