Zima Digital Assets – Founders Charged in Cryptocurrency Scheme | Goodman & Nekvasil P.A. May Recover Investor Losses
-Update 11/9/21-
Goodman & Nekvasil has filed an arbitration claim against Ameriprise Financial involving the alleged sale of Zima Digital Assets.
According to Phoenix Business Journal
Zach Salter, 27, of Paradise Valley, and John Michael Caruso, 28, of Scottsdale, face charges in federal court in Arizona after they allegedly defrauded more than 100 people out of at least $7.5 million during the past 18 months as co-founders of Zima Digital Assets, a blockchain and cryptocurrency investment firm, according to a report from Quartz.
Among the people who invested money in their firm were everyone from Major League Baseball players to senior citizens, according to the U.S. Department of Justice complaint.
U.S. Secret Service agents arrested Caruso and Salter on Jan. 30. Caruso dubbed himself the “Michael Jordan of algorithmic cryptocurrency trading” and goes by the nickname “Kryp+0 K!ng.”
Investors in Zima Digital Assets May Recover their Losses with Goodman & Nekvasil, P.A.
If you invested with Zima Digital Assets, Goodman & Nekvasil, P.A. may help you. Goodman & Nekvasil, P.A., a Clearwater, Florida, law firm with a national practice representing victimized investors, has recovered more than $200 million dollars on behalf of victimized investors.
All our cases are handled on a purely contingency fee basis by Kalju Nekvasil, Esq., formerly regional counsel with the NASD, now known as FINRA. Kalju Nekvasil, Esq. has practiced in this area of the law for more than 35 years.
There is no charge for an evaluation of your case. Further, we handle our cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that unless we recover money for you, we charge no attorney’s fee. Unless you recover any money, you pay us nothing, not even the costs and expenses which the firm will advance on your behalf.
If you incurred investment losses with Zima Digital Assets and would like your case evaluated by a securities attorney (again, there is no charge for an evaluation and all cases are handled on a purely contingency fee basis), please contact us.